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Pop on Some Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and at UCA Lingerie, we take breast health seriously. Our bras and lingerie are designed to support your health and look gorgeous while doing so. With a little bit of knowledge and the right bra, you can take charge of your breast health. So, pop on some pink and celebrate your health this October.

Get to Know Your Breasts
One of the most effective ways to detect breast cancer early is regular self-examinations. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, women should perform a breast self-examination at least once a month. To complete your self-examination, follow these five easy steps.
- Stand tall in front of the mirror with your hands on your hips and look at the external shape of your breasts, checking for any changes or abnormalities. It helps to flex your chest muscles to look for dimpling and puckering, especially on only one side.
- Raise your arms and see how the shape of your breasts changes—this can help identify new lumps or shape changes that you can’t see with your arms down.
- Using the pads of your pointer, middle, and ring fingers, apply pressure to your breast and armpit areas. Apply soft, medium, then firm pressure, using your right hand to check your left breast and your left hand to check your right breast. Check for any changes, especially new lumps.
- Lie flat on your back with a pillow under your head, neck, and shoulders. This helps the breasts flatten against your chest wall. Using the opposite hand, raise each arm to check for lumps, thickenings, or other abnormalities.
- Gently squeeze each of your nipples to check for discharge.

Healthy Life, Healthy Breasts
There are other ways you can take charge of your breast health beyond self-examinations. Loving your body and prioritizing all aspects of your health greatly impact breast health. Here are UCA’s top tips for taking breast health seriously.
- Eat a balanced diet. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, eating 3.5-5 cups of fresh fruits and vegetables a day lowers the risk of breast cancer.
- Harness the power of positive thinking. Many medical studies, including this one from Johns Hopkins, have proven that positive thought and stress control can keep your white blood cells fighting infection.
- Breastfeed, if possible. If you’ve recently given birth, you know how essential feeding your newborn is. Breastfeeding has been shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer. The longer you breastfeed your little one, the lower the risk of breast cancer.
- Get regular screenings. Regular screenings, both at home and regularly with your doctor, are the most foolproof way to catch breast cancer early. Self-exams should be performed each month. According to the Mayo Clinic, women over 40 should get a mammogram every year.
- Avoid toxic ingredients. Susan G. Komen for the Cure has a list of chemicals that may be linked to breast cancer, including BPAs, which are found in hard plastics, and parabens, which are often found in cosmetics. Other chemicals to avoid include alcohol and tobacco smoke.
- Move your body daily. Regular exercise and weight maintenance are important to your body’s general health. According to the National Cancer Institute, regular physical activity lowers the risk of breast cancer from 12-21%.

Find the Right Bra
Wearing an ill-fitting bra has negative impacts on your overall health. The perfect bra will support your breast tissue and back, preventing orthopedic issues and pain. (Our fit guide can help you find the right size!) UCA Lingerie has a wide range of comfortable, supportive bras to help you on your breast health journey. Sport one of our pretty Pink Kiss bras for a daily reminder to take your breast health seriously.
Women shouldn’t have to give up sexiness to find support. Ann and Zendaya’s elastic bindings and peekaboo cutouts boost sex appeal, helping you positively love your body. Their padded cups provide protective shaping to keep you looking and feeling your best all day.
For a softer approach, try Annie or Pearl on for size. These stress-relieving pastels are the perfect reminder to slow down and think about your breast health. Pearl’s comfortable, wireless design is perfect for relaxing, while Annie’s delicate pink trim is a stylish way to sport your pink ribbon this October.
Longline and corset bras provide back and breast tissue support with the added bonus of smoothing and enhancing curves. Riley, Rihanna, and Madison are three of our favorite styles. Riley and Rihanna’s feminine florals are mood boosters, while Madison’s skin-friendly lace will keep you comfortable and supported all day. Each one comes in a pretty pink—the perfect reminder to put your breast health first.

UCA’s newest collection of perfect pink pieces adds awareness to your lingerie drawer. Celine is a stunning balconette style that marries comfort and style with a touch of elegance. Like Celine, Becky has a molded cup for a sexy shape. Her pink plunge style is perfect for your favorite v-necks or wrap tops. Looking for a playful piece for the bedroom? Darcy is your girl. Her ultra-soft satin is comfortable for the couch and sexy for the bedroom.
This October, enhance your lingerie wardrobe and celebrate breast health with pretty pinks from UCA Lingerie.